Educational Programmes for Children
CWS is running a number of programmes for the welfare of children from various slums. The main aim of these programmes is to facilitate the education and character building of children from slums.
Creches :
Currently, we have a creche facility for the little ones at our Shital Para Field Centre with 21 kids. We have also appointed a teacher to take care of the tiny tots. Besides giving them food during the day, kids are taught alphabets, songs, dance, and disciplined behaviour.
Tuition Classes for the School going children :
Our interactions with children attending regular schooling reveal that many of them are not able to acquire the skills in reading, writing and basic mathematical calculations even after five to six years of schooling. Hence to facilitate the process of acquiring these basic skills in learning we have started tuition programme for children who are attending schools. We have three tuition centres where regular tuition programmes are conducted. CWS has appointed 9 tuition teachers for 125 school going children who are studying in different classes.
Centre for Drop-out children :
CWS is running a non-formal schooling facility for children in Shitalpara who have not attended any school or are dropouts from formal school. Objective of the programme is to enable them to join a formal school or to encourage them to appear for National Open School Examination. Presently the centre for drop out children has 13 children attending the programme.
Study Material :
Families who are very poor among rickshaw pullers, waste pickers, and widows are provided with notebooks free of cost to their children as they hardly earn for their living and are unable to afford it.