Women’s Empowerment Programmes
Realizing the significant position of women and the role they can play in family and society at large CWS began its women’s empowerment programme way back in 1997. We have 12 women animators and three field supervisors implementing this programme effectively. Activities of this programme include :
Self Help Groups :
As part women’s empowerment programme CWS began the formation of Self Help Groups in 2002. Presently we have as many as 378 functioning groups with 4415 members. These groups enable women to attain financial security and create habit of regular savings. These groups are also a platform for women to come together and discuss their problems and difficulties. These SHGs function as support groups for women.
International Women’s Day :
On 8th March we had a grand celebration of International Women’s day. Women from our target area attended the programme. It was a great time for people to come together, listen, learn and entertain them.
International Widows' Day 2022 :
International Widows’ Day was celebrated by COMMUNITY WELFARE SOCIETY at Subhas Chandra Bose Fitness Park Udit Nagar on 23rd June 2022. The theme of the day was- “Invisible Women Invisible Problems”. Our program began at 10 am.182 widows gathered from four centres namely Sector-2, Gopabandhupalli, Sector-6, and Shitalpara. Our honourable Guests were retired C.D.P.O Mrs. Chhabi Rani Mohanty, C.W.S. Secretary Fr. Bennichan K. Peter, Guest of Honour Sambari Hansda (Inspector In charge), Mahila Thana sector-4.
Income Generating Activities :
With the help of loans from SHGs, many women have explored the possibilities for self-employment. Such initiatives include setting up of small scale grocery shops, vegetable shops, food production units, tea shops, poultry units, manufacturing of masala, paper bags and phenol, embroidery, tailoring, vehicle renting and mushroom cultivation.
Seminars for the Women in Slums :
For any empowerment process to be effective, it is important to form the target group as an informed and knowledgeable one. Hence we in CWS pay a lot of attention in organising seminars and workshops for women in slums. The subjects for seminars vary from time to time. Subjects for seminars were leadership, SHG record maintenance, role and responsibility of SHG leaders, role of women in society and formation of co-operative society, Adult literacy.