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Youth Empowerment Programmes

During the last one year a number of programmes were organised for the slum youth to foster unity and motivate them to become better and productive citizens. Some of them are:

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Seminars and Workshops :

CWS organised three seminars for the slum youth; on leadership, personality development and career guidance. These seminars facilitated the formation of CWS Youth Committees in the slums. Now they participate and take leadership in each of the programmes that are organised by CWS in different places.

Youth Parliament :

CWS has formed 4 youth parliament at all the four centres. Each member of the parliament is given a post of minister, with a specified duty which they have to do in their slum or area. By this formation youth learn to take responsibility of the society and also inculcate decision making and leadership qualities.

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Youth SHG :

CWS has been able to involve 748 youths out of approximately 1800 youths living in the slums to form YOUTH SHGs. From of 748 youths, 567 are girls and 181 are boys. SHG helps the youths to make a habit of savings and work in a team.

Computer Classes :

Now a days education in computer is a must and most needed. Diploma in Computer Application course is offered by CWS for the youths of the slums at Gopabandhupalli, Sector 2 and Basanti Colony, so that they can have a basic education on computers. Presently, 57 youths are doing the courses. At the end of the period an examination is conducted and a certificate from SKILL INDIA is issued.

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Beautician Courses :

A Beautician course was organized in Sector 2 centre and two are in progress – one each in Sector 2 and Gopabandhupalli centres – during this year. The course is conducted by qualified beauticians. The duration of each course is two months. 51 young girls from the slums are getting trained as skilled beauticians through these courses. At the end of the period an examination is conducted and a certificate from SKILL INDIA is issued.

Tailoring Training Centres :

CWS has three tailoring training centres in slums; Gopabandhupalli, Sector 2 and Sector 6. A total of 32 girls are getting skilled in tailoring through these centres. Classes are conducted in two batches every day for a period of six months. At the end of the period an examination is conducted and a certificate from SKILL INDIA is issued.  According to our survey 68% of the students who completed this programme get employed or are self-employed.

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Education Help :

CWS offers help in terms of finance to the most needy and poor youths for their education.

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Community Welfare Society
Fr. Bennichan K Peter, SVD, Secretary

Seva Sadan
AM – 50 Basanti Colony
Rourkela, Odisha – 769012

Phone : 9437490468, 9556691468


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